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Unless you specifically installed the jdk package it'll give the appropriate error indicating. To run it, just go to the folder with the eclipse files and run: $. Opening a package without specifying a folder will create a folder off the Downloads directory. By default files are downloaded to the ~/Downloads folder. I inferred the latter because your message said you can't find it. You'll most likely see yours in an area such as: /home/username/Downloads//opt/eclipse/eclipse-jee-neon-M5-linux-gtk-x86_64/eclipse In my case I have moved my root eclipse directory to the folder /opt to make it available to other users who logs into the system, instead of my personal space. I highlighted in bold the part that you will most likely see. opt/eclipse/ eclipse-jee-neon-M5-linux-gtk-x86_64/eclipse The results will be something similar to: You can run this command to locate the the folder: $ locate -r 'neon.*/eclipse$' It can be run from the directory where you unpacked it.

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Since you mentioned you have Neon (the latest release (officially available at ), the package doesn't require an install. The current repository version of Eclipse is 3.8 (Juno).

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